2023年度 論文
2023年度 論文
李葎理, 金政祐司, & 三浦麻子. (2024). 非就業者への自己責任論に対する相対的剥奪の効果. 社会心理学研究, 2022-007.
仁科国之, 三船恒裕, & 日道俊之. (2024). 日本語版相互依存状況尺度の作成. 心理学研究, 94(6), 484-492.
向井智哉, 松木祐馬, 貞村真宏, & 綿村英一郎. (2024). 特定少年実名報道への支持と, 責任付与・改善更生・重大性に関する各認知との関連. 心理学研究, 95-22040.
向井智哉, 井奥智大, 岩谷舟真, 貞村真宏, 田中晶子, 松木祐馬, … & 綿村英一郎. (2024). 母親による児童虐待事案における量刑判断, 伝統的性役割態度, 非難の関連. パーソナリティ研究, 32(3), 179-187.
向井智哉, 湯山祥, 松木祐馬, 田中晶子, 貞村真宏, 岩谷舟真, … & 綿村英一郎. (2024). 保護責任者遺棄致死罪で起訴された被告人の性別が一般市民の量刑判断に与える影響. パーソナリティ研究, 32(3), 138-140.
湯山祥, 向井智哉, 松木祐馬, & 綿村英一郎. (2024). 特定少年実名報道への支持と子どもに対する現代的偏見―実名報道目的の媒介効果―. 実験社会心理学研究, 2312.
Mori, K. , Fukushima, Y. , Uchida, A. , Ito, H. , Watamura, E. and Naka, M. (2024) A Quick Guide to Applied Cognitive Research in Japan. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 12, 414-423.
Yagihashi, M., Murakami, M., Kato, M., Yamamura, A., Miura, A., & Hirai, K. (2024). Exploratory study to characterise the individual types of health literacy and beliefs and their associations with infection prevention behaviours amid the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan: a longitudinal study. PeerJ, 12, e16905.
Hiraishi, K., Miura, A., Higuchi, M., Fujishima, Y., Nakamura, D., & Suyama, M. (2024). A systematic review of conference papers presented at two large Japanese psychology conferences in 2013 and 2018: did Japanese social psychologists selectively report p< 0.05 results without peer review?. PeerJ, 12, e16763.
村山綾, 三浦麻子, & 北村英哉. (2023). 新型コロナウイルス感染禍とシステム正当化. 社会心理学研究, 39(2), 64-75.
Murakami, M., Yamagata, M., & Miura, A. (2023). Exploration of factors associated with mask-wearing and hand disinfection in Japan after the coronavirus disease outbreak: A longitudinal study. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 98, 104107.
Murakami, M., Hiraishi, K., Yamagata, M., Nakanishi, D., Ortolani, A., Mifune, N., … & Miura, A. (2023). Differences in and associations between belief in just deserts and human rights restrictions over a 3-year period in five countries during the COVID-19 pandemic. PeerJ, 11, e16147.
Hashimoto, K., Nishina, K., & Miura, A. (2023). Excessive Altruism and Its Underlying Motivation: Effects on Likability in Japan and the US. Letters on Evolutionary Behavioral Science, 14(2), 48-52.
Azevedo, F., Pavlović, T., Rêgo, G. G., Ay, F. C., Gjoneska, B., Etienne, T. W., … & Huang, G. (2023). Social and moral psychology of COVID-19 across 69 countries. Scientific data, 10(1), 272.
温若寒, & 三浦麻子. (2023). 多次元オンライン脱抑制尺度 (MMOD) の作成および妥当性と信頼性の検討. 社会心理学研究, 39(1), 1-14.
Mukai, T., Pioch, C., Sadamura, M., Tozuka, K., Fukushima, Y., & Aizawa, I. (2024). Comparing Attitudes toward Sexual Consent between Japan and Canada. Sexes, 5(2), 46-57.
向井智哉, 貞村真宏, 湯山祥, 松木祐馬, & 綿村英一郎. (2023). 特定少年への量刑に対する実名報道の効果. 感情心理学研究, 30(3), 52-60.
Ioku, T., & Watamura, E. (2024). Cultural invariance and ideological variance of collective ownership threat in intergroup relations. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology.
Watamura, E., Ioku, T., & Mukai, T. (2023). Examining the differential effects of information about the death penalty on retributivists and non-retributivists in Japan: a refutation of Marshall’s third hypothesis. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1236587.
Mukai, T., Matsuki, Y., Sadamura, M., & Watamura, E. (2023). Criminal justice participation among Japanese adults: A preliminary study. International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice, 74, 100616.
Watamura, E., & Ioku, T. (2023). Reporting the real names of juvenile offenders: a study of Japanese perspectives through the lens of symbolic discrimination. International journal of law, crime and justice, 74, 100603.
Watamura, E., Ioku, T., Mukai, T., & Yamamoto, M. (2023). Empathetic Robot Judge, We Trust You. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 1-10.
Watamura, E., & Ioku, T. (2023). Wrongful Conviction Rates and Death Penalty Support: Acceptability Hypothesis in Japan. SAGE Open, 13(3), 21582440231193509.
Watamura, E., & Ioku, T. (2023). Japanese public opinion on reporting the real names of juvenile criminals: An examination from the perspective of justification preferences. Children and Youth Services Review, 150, 107015.
Mukai, T., Yuyama, Y., Matsuki, Y., & Watamura, E. (2023). Development of a modern prejudice toward juveniles scale (MPJS) and its psychometric properties. Psychology, Crime & Law, 1-19.
Tanaka, H., Nishina, K., Shou, Q., Takahashi, H., Sakagami, M., Matsuda, T., … & Takagishi, H. (2023). Association between arginine vasopressin receptor 1A (AVPR1A) polymorphism and inequity aversion. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 290(2000), 20230378.